Friday, September 24, 2004

I Love Gmail

I got a Gmail account the other day, and I love it. Very intuitive to use, and the 1 GB (!) of storage means that you won't have to delete email for at least a year.

Gmail is still in Beta, but accounts are getting easier to get. Your best best is to try isnoop's Gmail invite giveaway page. Keep reloading until you see some available, and then go for it.

You can still reach me at It now routs to the Gmail account.

Sunday, September 12, 2004 is a great way to share bookmarks with others and between multiple PCs you own. Set up an account and start adding your bookmarks. There's a bookmarklet that makes things easy.

It's a cool way to see what other people are bookmarking - a constant feed of bookmarks being added is available, plus a section of the most popular ones in the database. When you add a bookmark, you get a count of how many other users have that one too.

Here's my list.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Chris Lerch's LTS Blog


Chris Lerch's LTS Blog

Another blog that's just getting started is the one I use for work. I'm encouraging the reference librarians to use blogging to keep their students up to date on what's going on at the RIT Library.

As an example, I started one for my department. It's being updated weekly.

Bloglines | chrislerch's Blogs

Bloglines | chrislerch's Blogs

Do you have a bunch of web pages you check frequently to see if they've been updated? Well, the good sites allow you to subscribe to them using an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed. You then use a news aggregator like Bloglines to read the updates. Bloggers love news aggregators, especially since most blogging software can generate RSS feeds. So if you want to see when this blog is updated, set up a Bloglines account (free) and subscibe to my blog by typing in its URL (

Try it! Click here to see the RSS feeds that I currently subscribe to.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Family and Friends - a photoset on Flickr

Family and Friends - a photoset on Flickr

Flickr is a cool way to share photos on the web, and a great tool for bloggers, since you can post right from flickr into a blog. I've put a bunch of family photos that we've either scanned in or taken with a digital camera. Some are almost ten years old while others were taken this summer.